Refresh, Recharge, and Thrive This Year!

Refresh, Recharge, and Thrive This Year!

Hey teacher!

Happy New Year!

This year is the year of self-care. We're not burning out, we're taking the time to recharge and be the best version of ourselves that we can be. We're practicing self-love and taking care of our mental and physical health. We're striving to be kind to ourselves and make sure that we are taking care of our needs. We're also setting boundaries and making sure that we are getting enough rest and relaxation. This is the year of self-care and we're taking it seriously. Check out our favourite ideas below to get started...

Goal Setting Tips + Sticking to Them!

 New year, new you! 2024 is all yours!


Effective goal-setting and sticking to them require commitment, perseverance, and continuous self-assessment. By following these tips and strategies you can be intentional with your time and focus on your wellbeing!

1.  Be Specific and Clear

Define your goals in detail. Instead of a vague goal like "improve teaching," set specific objectives like "implementing a new teaching method in biology class to enhance student engagement."

2. Set Realistic Goals

Ensure that your goals are achievable within a given timeframe. Consider your workload, resources, and constraints while setting goals.

3. Focus on Priorities

Identify the most critical areas for improvement or development. Concentrate on goals that will have the most significant impact on student learning and your professional growth.

4. Use the SMART Criteria

Make your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, "By the end of this semester, increase student participation in classroom discussions by 25%."

5. Break Goals into Smaller Steps

Divide larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes the goals less overwhelming and allows you to track progress more effectively.

Now stick to it…

1. Create a Plan

Develop a detailed action plan outlining steps needed to achieve each goal. Set deadlines for milestones to keep yourself on track.

2. Monitor Progress Regularly

Review your progress periodically. Track achievements, reassess goals if necessary, and celebrate milestones to stay motivated.

3. Stay Organised

Use tools like planners, calendars, or digital apps to organise tasks, deadlines, and resources related to your goals.

4. Seek Support and Accountability

Share your goals with colleagues, mentors, or administrators. Collaborate with them for advice, feedback, and support. Consider forming a peer support group to keep each other accountable.

5. Adapt and Adjust

Be flexible and willing to adjust goals if needed. Sometimes circumstances change, and being adaptable allows for necessary modifications without losing sight of the objective.

6. Reflect and Learn

Regularly reflect on your progress. Analyse what worked well and what didn't. Learn from both successes and setbacks to refine your approach.

7. Stay Motivated

Keep your motivation high by reminding yourself of the purpose behind your goals. Visualise the positive impact achieving these goals will have on your future self.


How to create a calming and productive workspace at home...

Try these simple organisation tips and desk set up solutions!


  • Declutter Regularly

     Keep your workspace tidy by decluttering regularly. Consider using bins, folders, or drawer organisers to keep everything in its place. Regular decluttering prevents distractions and helps maintain focus.


  • Optimise Desk Layout

    Arrange your desk to maximise efficiency. Place frequently used items within arm's reach to minimise distractions. Use a cable organiser to manage and conceal wires for a cleaner look.


  • Create a Calming Atmosphere

    Introduce elements that promote a calming environment. Incorporate plants like succulents or small potted plants to add a touch of nature. Consider using a desk lamp with soft lighting to reduce eye strain. Add personal touches like photos or inspiring quotes to create a positive ambience.


  • Establish a Filing System

    Develop an organised filing system for papers and documents. Use labelled folders, binders, or digital filing software to categorise lesson plans, student work, administrative paperwork, and teaching resources. Keep a to-do list or planner handy to prioritise tasks and stay on track.


  • Utilise Wall Space 

    Maximise wall space for organisation and inspiration. Install a bulletin board or whiteboard to pin important reminders, schedules, or inspirational quotes. You can also use wall-mounted shelves or floating shelves to store books, reference materials, or decorative items, freeing up desk space.

Unwinding After School...

Check out our favourite ways to unwind after school. Have a go at implementing some of these into your own healthy routine!

Reflection Time

Take a few minutes to reflect on the day. Acknowledge the achievements and positive moments, as well as any challenges faced. Consider writing in a journal to document thoughts and feelings.


Transition Ritual

Create a transition ritual between work and home. This could involve a short walk, listening to calming music or a podcast during the commute, or practicing deep breathing exercises to mentally shift gears from work mode to home life.


Physical Activity

Engage in a physical activity to release stress and boost energy levels. This could be a workout at the gym, a yoga session, a brisk walk, or any exercise that you enjoy.


Enjoy a Hobby

Dedicate time to a hobby or activity that brings joy. It could be reading, painting, gardening, playing a musical instrument, cooking, or any other leisure pursuit that you find fulfilling.


Quality Time with Loved Ones

Spend quality time with family, friends, or pets. Engage in conversations, share experiences from the day, or simply unwind together.


Mindfulness Practice

Practice mindfulness or meditation to centre yourself and let go of any lingering stress from the day. Apps or guided meditation sessions can be helpful for this purpose.



Prepare and enjoy a nutritious dinner. Cooking can be a therapeutic activity and a chance to focus on creating a healthy meal.


Relaxation Time

Dedicate some time for relaxation. This could involve watching a favourite TV show, listening to calming music, taking a bath, or practicing relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation.


Preparation for the Next Day

Spend a brief amount of time preparing for the next day. Set out clothes, pack your bag, or jot down a to-do list to organise your thoughts for the upcoming day, but avoid extensive work-related tasks.


Early Bedtime Routine

Aim for an early bedtime routine. Prioritise getting enough sleep to ensure you're well-rested for the next day.

Digital Detox Challenge...

We dare you to try our digital detox challenge! For 7 days, disconnect from your digital world and see. From better sleep to more productivity, disconnecting from technology can help you to be more balanced and in tune with your inner self. Take the challenge and see the benefits for yourself!


Day 1: Setting Intentions

Reflect on your digital habits. Write down the reasons why you're taking on this challenge and what you hope to gain from it. Establish clear goals for the week. Decide on specific boundaries for technology use both in and out of the classroom.


Day 2: Unplugged Mornings

Start the day without immediately checking emails or social media. Instead, engage in a mindful activity like journaling, reading a book, or going for a walk.


Day 3: Screen-Free Breaks

Implement screen free breaks, instead of checking your phone meet up with your teacher bestie or enjoy reading one of your favourite books.


Day 4: Device-Free Evenings

After work hours, commit to a technology-free evening. Spend quality time with family, engage in hobbies, or participate in activities that don’t involve screens.


Day 5: Nature and Disconnect

Plan an outdoor activity. Leave all electronic devices behind and immerse yourself in nature. Take a hike, have a picnic, or simply sit and enjoy the environment.


Day 6: Mindful Practice

Introduce a mindfulness or meditation session into your day. Enjoy simple mindfulness techniques to reduce digital distractions and improve focus.


Day 7: Reflection and Commitment

Reflect on your digital detox experience throughout the week. Write down the positive changes you've observed in your productivity, mood, and overall well-being. Commit to integrating some of these practices into your daily routine moving forward.


Tip for the Week:

Disable non-essential notifications on your devices to minimise distractions, this includes your work emails.

Create a specific time slot for checking and responding to emails rather than doing so constantly throughout the day.


Remember, the aim of this challenge is not complete elimination but rather mindful and intentional use of technology. It's about finding a healthier balance between digital engagement and real-world experiences. Adjust the challenge according to your schedule and comfort level, and feel free to extend it beyond a week if you find it beneficial.

Picture this: a classroom where the teacher not only imparts knowledge but radiates a sense of balance, calm, and resilience. Embracing these self-care strategies isn't just about recharging your batteries; it's about ensuring you have the energy and emotional capacity to be there for your students, day in and day out.


Teaching is more than just a profession; it's a calling. And to answer that call wholeheartedly, one must acknowledge the need for personal well-being. It's about finding those small moments in your day to care for yourself, so you can continue to inspire and influence the young minds under your guidance.


Remember that your own well-being matters. It's not selfish; it's a necessity. By nurturing yourself, you're not only preserving your passion for teaching but also setting an example for your students: demonstrating the importance of self-respect, balance, and resilience.


As you embark on this journey of self-care, consider it an investment in yourself!

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