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15 Time-Saving Hacks Every Teacher Needs to Know

Hey teacher!

Teaching is a rewarding but demanding profession, and finding extra time in the day can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. 

Between lesson planning, marking, and managing a classroom, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. 

But what if we told you that a few simple tweaks to your routine could free up more time than you’d expect? 

In this blog post, we’re sharing 15 tried-and-tested time-saving hacks that will help you stay on top of your tasks and even reclaim some of that much-needed ‘me time’. 

Ready to streamline your day?

1. Use an Assessment Tracker

One of the best ways to stay organised throughout the school year is by using an assessment tracker.

This handy tool allows you to keep detailed records of your students’ progress, making report writing a breeze. 

Instead of scrambling to recall grades or hunting down old papers, you’ll have all the information at your fingertips. With an assessment tracker, you can easily monitor each student’s achievements and identify areas where they might need a bit more support. 

It’s a simple yet powerful way to keep on top of your assessments and reduce stress when report time rolls around!

2. Digitise Your Resources

If you’ve ever spent ages hunting for that perfect worksheet or lesson plan, you’ll know the pain of disorganised resources. That’s why digitising your resources is a game-changer! 

By keeping a folder in your Google Drive with all the resources you’ve bought or created, you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips, whether you’re at home, in the classroom, or on the go. 

No more rummaging through stacks of paper or frantically searching your desk drawers—just quick, easy access to all your teaching tools. It’s like having your entire filing cabinet in your pocket!

3. Batch Grade:

Grading papers can feel like a never-ending task, but here’s a trick to make it less overwhelming: set aside specific times to tackle it all at once. 

Instead of grading a few here and there throughout the week, dedicate a chunk of time to get it done in one go. It’s like hitting the ‘fast-forward’ button on your grading—by focusing all your attention in one session, you’ll get through it quicker and more efficiently. 

Plus, you’ll have the rest of your week paper-free and ready for all the fun stuff! Give it a try and see how much smoother your grading routine can be.

4. Plan in Advance

Planning ahead is the secret to a smoother week, and it’s easier than you might think!

Set aside a specific time each week to get your lesson plans sorted and you’ll be amazed at how much stress it cuts out of your daily routine.

Imagine starting each day knowing exactly what’s on the agenda and having everything ready to go.

No more last-minute scrambles or late-night planning marathons—just a well-organised week that lets you focus more on teaching and less on the chaos.

It’s a simple habit that pays off big time in reduced stress and more time to enjoy your evenings!

5. Use Pre-Made Templates

Why reinvent the wheel when you can use pre-made templates?

 By creating or downloading templates for common tasks like lesson plans, emails, and worksheets, you’ll save yourself heaps of time and effort. 

Think of it as having a bunch of ready-made shortcuts that make your life so much easier. Instead of starting from scratch every single time, just pop in your details and voilà—your task is done in a flash! It’s like having a magic wand for your teaching toolkit, freeing you up to focus on what really matters: your students.

Looking for resources? Check out our Digital Downloads Library

6. Set Up a Filing System

Let’s face it: a chaotic filing system can turn even the most organised teacher into a frazzled mess. 

So why not set up a filing system that makes finding what you need a breeze? Whether it’s physical folders or digital files, a bit of organisation goes a long way. 

Try colour-coding your folders or adding clear labels—it's like giving your files a neat little wardrobe! 

You’ll spend less time hunting for that elusive document and more time enjoying your teaching. 

With a system in place, everything will be right where you need it, ready to go at a moment’s notice.

7. Automate Repetitive Tasks

Let’s face it: repetitive tasks can be a bit of a drag, but here’s a nifty trick to lighten the load—automate them! 

Tools like auto-responders for emails and automated reminders for your to-dos are like having a personal assistant who never takes a day off. 

Set them up to handle those repetitive tasks and watch your workload shrink. You’ll have more time to focus on the fun stuff, like engaging lessons and inspiring your students. 

So, give automation a whirl and let technology do the heavy lifting for you!

8. Delegate Student Jobs

Why not turn your classroom into a mini community by assigning jobs to your students? 

It’s a win-win situation—while you save time on tasks like tidying up or distributing materials, your students get a taste of responsibility and teamwork. 

Plus, it can be a lot of fun! 

Imagine your classroom running smoothly with each student playing a role, from ‘Assistant of the Day’ to ‘Paper Organiser’. 

Even if you’re not keen on assigning specific tasks each day, simply teaching your students to pack up and tidy up at the end of the day can make a huge difference. 

It lightens your load and helps your students take pride in their space. Give it a go and watch how this simple trick transforms your daily routine!

9. Use Apps for Classroom Management

Ready to make classroom management a breeze? 

Embrace the power of apps like ClassDojo! These nifty tools help you keep tabs on student behaviour and communicate with parents without breaking a sweat. 

Imagine having a digital assistant that tracks achievements, notes behaviour, and keeps parents in the loop—all from your phone or computer. It’s like having a superhero sidekick for your classroom, helping you stay organised and connected with ease. 

So, why not give it a go? Your teaching life just got a whole lot smoother!

10. Create a ‘To-Do Later’ Bin

Feeling overwhelmed by a mountain of tasks? 

It’s time to introduce the ‘To-Do Later’ bin to your life! This clever little spot is where you stash all those bits and bobs of work that don’t need your immediate attention.

 By giving these tasks a designated place, you can focus on what’s urgent and important right now without the nagging feeling that you’re forgetting something.

 It’s like having a personal procrastination station that keeps your desk clear and your mind focused. 

So, give your to-do list a break and let your ‘To-Do Later’ bin take some of the pressure off!

11. Streamline Parent Communication

Instead of juggling a million individual messages, why not streamline things with a communication app or a regular newsletter?

 These tools let you keep parents in the loop with all the important updates and news without constantly typing out messages. 

Think of it as your secret weapon for keeping everyone informed and your inbox clutter-free. 

With a few taps or clicks, you can share announcements, event details, and even a peek into classroom activities. 

12. Invest in Self-Grading Tools

Imagine this: you set up an online quiz, and voilà— it grades itself! 

Investing in self-grading tools is like having a personal assistant for your marking pile. These clever tools do the heavy lifting for you, saving you heaps of time and letting you focus on more exciting parts of teaching.

 With a quick click, you get instant feedback and detailed reports without the endless hours spent marking by hand.

 It’s a game-changer that turns marking from a chore into a breeze!

13. Use Voice Typing for Reports

Why spend hours typing out those lengthy reports when you can just speak them? 

Voice typing software is your new best friend, letting you dictate your reports instead of labouring over the keyboard. 

Just talk to your computer or phone, and watch as your words magically appear on screen. 

It’s not only a massive time-saver but also helps you dodge the dreaded typing fatigue. 

So, kick back, chat away, and let voice typing do the hard work for you. Your fingers will thank you!

14. Set Boundaries for Work Hours

Ever feel like your workday just stretches on and on? 

It’s time to set some clear boundaries for your work hours!

 Establishing a definite start and stop time for your workday helps keep your schedule in check and your work-life balance intact.

 Imagine clocking out at a reasonable hour and actually enjoying your evenings without the nagging thought of unfinished tasks. 

It’s like drawing a line in the sand that says, “This is my time!” Set those boundaries and reclaim your free time—you deserve it!

15. Prepare Emergency Sub Plans

We all know that life can throw curveballs, and sometimes you need to be away from class unexpectedly. 

That’s why having a ready-made emergency sub plan is a total game-changer! 

Picture this: you’re out, but your class runs like a well-oiled machine because you’ve got a plan ready to go. 

Just pull out your prepared plan, hand it over to your substitute, and watch your students stay engaged and on track.

 It’s like having a backup superhero ready to swoop in and save the day, ensuring everything runs smoothly even when you’re not around!

And there you have it—15 clever time-saving hacks to help you reclaim your day and make teaching a little less overwhelming.

By implementing these tips, from using an assessment tracker to setting up a ‘To-Do Later’ bin, you’ll find yourself more organised, less stressed, and with a bit more time to enjoy outside the classroom.

Teaching is a challenging but incredibly rewarding job, and with a few smart tweaks, you can make it even more enjoyable.

Give these strategies a try and watch how they transform your daily routine. Here’s to a more efficient, balanced, and fun teaching experience!

PS: Keen on discovering more engaging activities and free resources for your classroom? Join our mailing list to unlock a wealth of inspiring ideas directly in your inbox!   Click here   to subscribe and embark on an adventure of creativity and learning with your students! 

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